Toilet Tales

Parenting exposes us to a marvel of subjects that we would never imagine ourselves reading and talking about otherwise. Diapers and potty training is definitely one of those. I definitely had my share of doubts and concerns choosing which way to go – and I’m even close to the potty training part of it.

In the beginning I was in a flow of joy and exhaustion (breast feeding + not enough rest) that appeared longer than two weeks. My mom kept telling me “You just have to through these two weeks, afterwards it’ll be a breeze” – and it was. Anyway, I don’t want to get side tracked into nursing here. During that time disposable diapers seemed more practical. We had a stock of diapers at home that I thought would last a year. Well, that wasn’t true. It probably took 3 weeks and they were all gone.

This led me to start reading about cloth diapering and considering the different (and numerous) options out there.

Finally, I decided to just by a few sets of diapers, liners, and cover, and try it out. Other than the fact that I was changing diapers every hour or so – it was all good. Also, I was a little surprised when I did the math of how much it would cost to buy a whole set: a lot.

Finally, the Vancouverite in me kicked in and I thought to myself: Craigslist! I was lucky enough to end up finding someone selling a great selection of cloth diapers in my neighbourhood (and this is how I met Ella, the author of Little Red Caboose). The diapers were in great shape, cared for environmentally, no bleach only good amounts of sunshine – which is enough to keep them clean and fresh. Ella was super nice to give me a hand knitted wool diaper her mother had made. I was all set but I must confess (without shame) that I do a combination of cloth and disposable diapers. Whenever I’m at home Georgia wears cloth ones (which having a washer and drier not be three sets of stairs away, has made it way easier..) and weather allowing Georgia hangs out freely. During the night, when out, or travelling, she wears disposable ones that keep her incredibly dry.

The other day I was talking to a friend about different ways of teaching our children (and letting them teach us). “I’m not a big reader” she said, and knowing her you clearly understand that she is, instead, a person who does, makes, and lives. “But I find it cool to read picture books for my son that have some kind of lesson” – this is precisely what inspired me to write a post about this book, from the shelf of Max’s childhood.

Toilet Tales is a fun, imaginative, and playful book about potty training. It is written and illustrated by Andrea Wayne von Königslöw. Click here for the new edition. “Animals could never use toilets because…”


I’ve long been an admirer of Planeta Tangerina, a publisher house based in Lisbon, Portugal. Founded by a talented group of designers and artists their books are spreading wings and being translated into many languages. They make picture books not only for kids but adults who marvel at the play between word and image.

I was in Brazil last Winter when I saw this book, Exchangescope, by Bernardo Carvalho.

At the first flip of pages, daunting it seems. What on earth does this mean? And then YOU start to change. And you turn the pages again. With different eyes, a different heart. Each time you see something new. Wheels, flames, trees, particles, birds, movement, macro, micro, falling, building it back up… let your imagination roam free.

And if you please, take a moment of your day and browse through this and other incredible creations by clicking here.

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Little Red Caboose

This is the first time I share a link. That means this link is great, as it inspired me to do so. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, care-giver, artist, or photographer, you’re going to like what Ella has to show. Ella is a Vancouver-based mom devoted to her kids’ upbringing with adventure, care, and nature.

Click here to see her blog: The Little Red Caboose. Good night.

A Farmer’s Alphabet


A Farmer’s Alphabet (1981) is a stunning hand-crafted picture book by Mary Azarian. This alphabet book is made of b&w woodcut prints that portray icons of farm-life in Vermont. An artist and farmer herself, Mary Azarian, her life and career happen between the proof press and the field. Her prints have an intricate sense of dedication, hard work, and poetry.

Here are my favorite ones:






My husband, Max, also grew up amongst orchards, vegetables, and chickens. Surrounded by mountains that framed the seasons as they change.

Spring is here, the Summer near. And here is a picture of Georgia during her first tractor ride:


Fraser Street

It’s Sunday. It’s raining upon us, Vancouverites. Time to throw the laundry in. Gear up and Get Out. This has been a week to remember. Nesting in our new ground floor home near Fraser Street. Opening up boxes of forgotten belongings, some worth keep, some worth get rid. Getting our pantry back in shape – basic needs – spices, canned tomatoes, oats. Georgia has her own room, to play and drift away in fantasy and stories (and to sleep one day). She has a particular passion for the outdoors (don’t we all do?). Happy to crawl on humid grass and play with twigs while papa weeds. It’s a new dawn.


Here’s a few gems of our new part of town:

For the coffee ones: Matchstick Coffee

For the little ones: Collage Collage

For the foodie ones: Les Faux Bourgeois

Das Haus in den ich wohne (The House I live in)


Illustrations from Das Haus in dem ich wohne (The House I live in) by artist Evelyne Laube, 2008.

“Etching is one of our preferred mediums to develop images. These etchings are developed through the slowdown of the printing process and the interplay of chance and control. It’s a collection of stories and images connected with the house Evelyne lived in.”

Is it raining elephants again? is a collective for illustration and visual design, created by Nina Wehrle and Evelyne Laube. Click here to see their page.




The Tree House

You know how some things are really hard describe…

That thing is so amazing, you can’t find the right words.

In this case, that is true, and also, I’m incredibly behind packing.

Four months swept us by and it’s time to go back to Canada.

So, this is an almost wordless post about a wordless picture book.

The Tree House is a majestic piece of art about a tree house, which stays permanent as animals and seasons go by.

Created by the Dutch artist Marije Tolman and her father Ronald Tolman.

Click here for an imaginative review on 32 Pages – A Passion for Picture Books.

I will give you the entirety of this poetic journey:

The Best Homemade Baby Food on the Planet

You know how some things in life are simply indispensable?

A good pair of Havaianas for the summer- and Blundstones for the winter.

A Moleskine notebook to sketch lists, ideas, and notes.

A Joy of Cooking on your kitchen shelf.

Here’s one worth adding to your home:


This book is basically all you need to know about making wholesome baby foods. What you need, how to cook, store, and serve, when to introduce… It will guide through the stages of introducing foods from 6 to 23-months of age. The Best Homemade Baby Food on the Planet is a perfect combination of nutritional needs, fresh choices, and practicality. I love the simple blends of veggies (Carrot and Sweet Potato) and its combination with fruits. Another key thing I find to introducing foods to our bebe is routine, patience, and play. At home I grew up with one simple rule: we all sat at the table for dinner. As kids and teens we did this and looking back I recognize the importance of that ritual.

We are what we Eat and what we Eat reflects who we are. I came across this poem earlier this week and it tingled my senses:


Lost and Found

I love going to bookstores, thrift ones, and larger ones too. Got books? Got a nice children’s books alley? Worth a visit. These days, I usually enter frantically, pushing a stroller, diaper bag in hands. I take a minute to breathe and find my way (Georgia is usually asleep at this point). I must be honest, a great deal of my reading is devoted to news, fellow bloggers, articles on sustainability, and of course, kids books. So I undoubtedly head in that direction first.

Finding a book I want to pick up and look at is a multi-sensorial experience. I look through the shelves as I touch the books gently. Authors and illustrators I know stand out but mostly the image, colors, shapes, and fonts, is what attracts me. And to this I blame design. Book design is the final touch that makes all the difference. There are a lot of kids books authors and illustrators who are practicing or have a background in design. One of my favorite artists on this boat is Oliver Jeffers, born in Belfast, Ireland, and currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. Click here to watch a short in-studio film about him.

His characters are real. They have, and communicate, real feelings. They reveal an imaginary world that lives within all of us. My choice for this post is:


I’ve read Lost and Found over and over. The story begins with a boy in his normal morning routine. Unexpectedly, a penguin shows up at his door.


The boy is intrigued by the fact and wonders where the penguin came from. Perhaps he’s lost? Perhaps he needs a ride back to the South Pole? A true friendship may be found. In life we seem to find true friends in the most odd ways (or days). And then of course, they are like rocks in the shore, standing firm and always there, no matter weather and waves.


Click on the image bellow to watch the version of Lost and Found in animation, created by Oliver Jeffers and StudioAKA:


Aviva Romm

avivarommAviva Romm is a respected doctor and midwife, focusing her practice on women and children’s health, rooted in years of experience with birth, pediatrics, and botanical medicine. Her work with the community was recognized and honored by Yale University, where Aviva studied and participated in designing the first integrative medicine curriculum. Her book Naturally Healthy Babies and Children is a source of knowledge, empowerment, and comfort in our lives. Aviva highlights the mind-body connection and emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrition, happiness, security, and love, for our children’s well-being. She also includes great and accesible herbal remedies, as well as information on resorting to synthetic medicine when needed. This book sits on my bedside.